Dynamic View: A Forgotten Features

As a blogwalker who likes to blogwalking, I do found several in which I really like the writing from the author but the appearance is totally killing me. Most of it due to the 'rainbow' coloring, background music, and 'kiddie' fonts. Although most of the blog that I read was authored by someone who already over 18-years old (who should've known better how to make a readable blog), some of them doesn't really care if their blog is readable or not. As they usually said, "blog aku, bukan blog kau, sekati la aku nak buat camne, ko sakit jubor pahal...", and I have nothing to say to those, but if you really want someone to read yours, it's important to have your blog in a readable manner so that you can gather profit from traffic, nuffnang, or whatever fuck advert available. (Pardon the language, I iz no manner)
Rainbow troll iz rainbow troll
Thankfully, blogger had introduced a new template (it's not really new, since it has been available for months now) called dynamic view, which in my opinion, very pleasing and had increased readability by over 9000. It was created from the enhanced UI that was made available thanks to HTML5 and CSS3. (<-- I have no single idea what the fuck these mean, seriously) Sadly though, although the uses of dynamic views have increased, many have not yet implemented it as their template by default, (me, inclusive) since by using it, you'll be losing your plentiful of annoying widgets and even custom header. What interest me of dynamic view is, it makes reading blog that have many too updates a whole lot easier (I'm a busy man, given a frequently updated blog, it's hard to be keeping track of it if I ever missed any of the entry). For example, take a look how 'Terfaktab' will look like with 'Sidebar' view. Pretty convenience huh? Plus, you didn't have to click 'older entries' to read 'older entries' (<-- Don't know why, I found this amusing.. LOL), just scroll the sidebar on the left. In case the sidebar is not to your liking, there are six other type of views available. You can have it by default if you want to, just edit your blogger template and choose Dynamic View. Word of advice, if you are just want to try, backup your template before hand in case you wanted to changed your mind. To make it easier for you, write in any blog address that you like to read below, and view it dynamically. Give it a try. .blogspot.com
p/s: Not all blog can use Dynamic View features, for example, Obe's blog. (I'm not lying). There is also a chrome extension that makes it easier to change how you view blogger site, but it's not working quite correctly at the moment because you need to the delete the extra backlash in the address bar. Still, feel free to try tho. Credit: Google This is a repost from my deleted blog.
