I Don't Fear God

Firman Allah SWT: “Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, takutlah kepada Allah! dan hendaklah (tiap-tiap) orang yang memerhatikan apa yang diusahakan esok (hari kiamat). Takutlah kepada Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha mengetahui apa-apa yang kamu kerjakan…”( Al-Hasyr:18)

I ask a person, did God ever ask us to fear Him? And there you go, up there. Petikan surah for you. Take that and brain that. But, do you really think God want us to fear Him? I mean, how can you fear something you supposed to love? Take this for analogy, some of us fear of spider, and when they fear, they want to be in a place no where near any spider. Do God want us to be far from him? Or is it just a big misconception of God's nature.

God never ask us to FEAR Him. And, as far as I believe, we should not fear God. Have you not done reading your Quran lately? Or do you not understand what you've read? The thing about God's word is, He did not really put it straight to the point (I mean, it wasn't define thoroughly as what most scientific books would normally be). If Quran is so definitive and straight to the point, it's gonna be so big,even mountain will be crushed. That's why we are given such a great man to be of guide for us, the prophet Muhammad S.A.W. PBUH.

"O believer, fear not, because God will always be with the righteous"

And mind the word, FEAR. Let me tell you something of the word I choose. Or should I say, the word that God had choose, which is FEAR. Why FEAR? We FEAR of something we don't know of. Like when you feeling afraid when you are in different place you're used to be, or when you afraid of the dark. You afraid, or fear, because you have to property of not knowing. What God really ask us to do, is to know HIM.

Curiosity is innate. Like our Prophet S.A.W once said, me paraphrase, "Go study until china" (Means, study all you want). What God want is for us to know and understand everything that is available for us to learn, and He said, "And you shalt not ask further beyond comprehension". This mean, God want us to learn, but don't try to learn too much because we are not all-knowing, but we can learn. We want to learn something what we don't understand. And for something that we don't understand, we fear. And when we don't understand, our curiosity tell us to learn. God ask us to learn, the prophet want us to learn. (Eventhough, it says READ, you shouldn't read, you should understand and learn).

So, when God ask us to fear, what God really want is UNDERSTAND and KNOW. Learn what you fear. What makes you afraid? And when you understand what you fear, you'll be the one of no fearing. You'll have no FEAR. And when you have no FEAR, you understand, and when you understand you started to LOVE. And that is the actual message that I see. "Love God".

"And with remembrance of God, you'll find peace"

You don't have to fear God, what you should fear is God's punishment. "Dear non-believer, for you is the scorching hell at which you'll be burn repeatedly…". I'm so sick of being ask to be afraid, 'till I have no fear. I don't fear. I love. And as far as I remember and learn, God also want us to love Him. So, why you have to fear something you supposed to love? God ask us to fear so we can learn about God, seek Him in every beautiful creation at which are HIS. And when you really do find it, you'll LOVE him. Don't FEAR, LOVE. And all praise in the world is belong to HIM.

Alhamdulillah, Masyaallah, Subhanallah.

p/s: "And some said, they can find something that is contradicting each other in the Quran, I said, invoke me something, there's always an explanation to things that happen.."

p/s: Originally posted somewhere else... I'm just sharing.. eh?


  1. Beautiful piece. Another way to put it is Allah wants us to love Him so much that we fear of doing anything that migh upset Him.


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